I got back from a long weekend out of town last night to over 500 e-mails!  Of
course, the vast majority of them were pdml.

Unfortunately, most of them were useless garbage:  "He said this!", "I already
apologized!", "I'm complaining to his ISP!", etc, etc., back and forth, forth and

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" (that's supposed to represent the sound of an infant crying

Unfortunately, I really didn't have time to sift throught the crap and read
anything worthwhile.

What's up lately?  A weekend with the list down not enough for everyone to calm
down after Photokina, or did that just get everyone riled up even more?

I don't wish to point any fingers, but it does seem to me that a small number of
us are dominating the list with time-wasting drivel to satisfy their inflated
egos.  Believe me, you're not that important!

Hopefully this will all blow over (as it usually does), and we can get back to
talking about Pentax and photography, and stop the sniping and back-stabbing.

Okay, everybody take a deep breath, have a
beer/valium/prozac/whatever-substance-makes-you relax/meditate/do yoga -
whatever.  There now:  feel better?  Good, let's talk cameras...


Antti-Pekka Virjonen wrote:

> Yea, I know ;-) I've tried to calm down the list many times in the
> past as well... with mixed success.
> I've been on the Pentax list since 1996... don't remember the exact
> dates.

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears
it is true." -J. Robert

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