I wrote earlier saying that you should buy one only if you can find one at a 
good price. The FB1/FD1 combination is pretty good. On the weekend, however, 
I had the opportunity to shoot in a studio setting photographing still lifes, 
extreme closeups of glass, etc. The FE1 was the finder of choice and it was 
truly a pleasure to use. So I am revising my suggestion to -- go out there 
and hunt one down and grab it if you can find it. They are not easy to find 
so if you know where one is, go for it...
In a message dated 10/15/02 12:36:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I have never used the FB1/FD1, but I have the FE-1, and I can second
Mishka's opinion.  The image is not only HUGE; it is also very, very
bright.  I would gues about a 2 EV difference...

More I need not say.

Boz >>

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