--- gfen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm "goth," I get away with it all year.. :)

How old are you, man?

> You know, I have some of those sitting around, but I
> choose not to do
> that, because since its our first time in a contest,
> I didn't want to be
> the person who came in and upset things.. They may
> be a bit more literal
> with their themes than the Pug encourages.

Eh, go for it.  Break the mold.  Shatter the cliche. 
Do the Dew.

> I probably won't get a chance to do anything except
> pull from my archives,
> which I don't really want to do as I don't have
> anything from a graveyard
> I'm happy with. I wanted to go out and do something
> in IR, either HIE or
> HIR, but I don't think that's going to happen
> either.

Hey, there's an idea.  Infrared might do some nifty
stuff on monuments, especially the polished granite. 
I remember a magazine contest on IR and the winner
submitted a hand colored shot of a space shuttle
launch.  The coloring was a really innovative

> I learned that Boxing Day has nothing to do with
> Canadian independence.

Hey, I learned that too.  :)  I thought it actually
had to do with prize fighting.

> Also, I'd like to point out there was over $200 of
> china and glasses
> broken, plus two folding tables (they were dancing
> on them). The cops
> broke the reception up before they were able to pull
> their guns out and
> start shooting into the air. No, I'm not kidding. :)

Protestant American weddings are so boring.  When I
get married, we're going to break things, forget

> I just mailed my brother and asked him if he wants
> me to do it, or not.
> Obviously, I'll take pictures regardless, but if he
> wants me to try and do
> it all out, its his tab for film and processing..
> I've never even been to
> a baptism, I have no idea what goes on.

I go to an Evangelical-type church so the baptism was
the whole-body dunk in a pool.  I don't have my Bible
in front of me but the verse goes "He that believes
and is baptised shall be saved.  He that does not
believe [is condemned]."  That's not exact but it's
pretty close.  There are some denominations that feel
that if you're never baptised it's hellfire and
brimstone for you.  However, the emphasis in the
scriptures is on belief, not on getting wet.  Baptism
is an outward sign of your belief and symbolic of
Christ's death and resurrection (going under the
water, coming out of the water.)  This links it to
washing away or dying to the old, sinful nature of
mankind.  It also stems in part from many ceremonial
cleansings in Judaism.  The very early church was
largely Jewish.  In fact somewhere the apostle Paul
writes that he is "baptised into Christ" or something
like that.  Along with Holy Communion, it's one of the
few Christain rituals laid down in the New Testament,
but again, the primary emphasis is still on belief.

I was baptised in a Methodist church in San Marcos,
TX, which is a really photogenic little college town
in its own right.  The church itself is a huge white
thing about two blocks off the town square and was
established in the 19th century by circuit riders
(preachers on horseback).  Actually, it wasn't in the
church but in the San Marcos River.  Beautiful but
cold.  Some Methodist churches just put a handful of
water on your head.  Not as dramatic but to the same

> Plus, I guess its technically not a baptism, but a
> christening, I just
> can't pronounce "christening," I'll keep referring
> to it as baptism.

I think a christening is what they do with babies when
they give the child a Christian name.  I think.

> Of course, I'd still have to pick up an inkjet
> printer, and I decided last
> night that I now, in fact, loathe my flatbed
> scanner.

Hmm, yesterday I saw a flyer for CompUSA that was
advertising several film scanners for less than $300. 
Don't remember the models or brands.
> You've just earned big points with the word
> "minimalist," which I so
> totally live for.

Ooh, do I get a cookie?  :)  Thanks, I did a lot of
fine arts reviews for my college paper so I had to
whip out the big art words on occasion.
> I can't imagine not having a fall, its one of the
> only perks of living in
> the north east..

And what a perk!  Our seasons here are more tropical. 
Summer lasts from about March through September.  The
rest of the year is really mild.  I think last year we
had a total of 30 hours freezing temperatures spread
out over January and February.  Mainly it's just wet
season and dry season.  Now it's the wet season and
starting to cool off.  Still, it has advantages. 
Where else in the continental US can you go to the
beach in December?  :)

Deb in TX

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