wendy beard a écrit:
Hi Kathy,

I'm afraid that I can't shed any light on your problem, but I've had the opposite experience.
On Sunday, I loaded some Kodak 160VC print film in my MZ-S and I just happened to notice that it picked 100 as the setting when it loaded. I saw this happen with my other MZ-S too a couple of months ago so I think it may have had something to do with that particular film canister not being recognized properly rather than the camera itself.


From: "Kathy L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I got back 4 rolls of film from a trip, and most of them were very
underexposed (surprisingly, a few were fine though). My camera is a PZ-1p.
I had this problem once before, when the ISO apparently didn't reset
automatically from a 400 speed film to a 100.
See the DX code on:

160 Iso code is pin 3,5,6 at ground
100 Iso code is pin 3,5 only

Try to clean pin 6 ?


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