I wish I could help you based on personal experience.  When I bought
my system (P67II) I went through a similar experience trying to
decide.  I was fortunate to have the local camera store carry Pentax
MF gear.  I must have gone in 12 times handling the two camera and
comparing them.  The owner had some blow ups on the wall of 645, 67
and some 66 from 645n, 67II, Mamiya 7, and Hassy 66.  At 16 X 20, I
don't think the differences were plain as day - they were there, but
more subtle.  Without a side by side comparison, all of them looked

Back to the camera issue.  My decision ended up being based on several
things.  First and foremost, why was I getting an MF camera - Answer:
image quality.  This tipped in favor to the 67.  Second, was I going
to continue to use 35mm for some things - Answer: yes.  This negated
some of the size/handling of the 645 over the 67.  Third, which camera
did I enjoy holding, working and using the most - Answer: the P67II. I
really liked the style, the viewfinder, interchangeable finder
capability, just enough automation when really needed.  Kind of like a
big LX without the low light meter.

The best I can answer here is - the 645n/ii is the best choice if you
are a working pro (wedding, outdoor) and need the camera as the main
and possibly only workhorse you have.  It can do it all - automation,
AF, TTL, size/weight, etc.

If you are like me, only doing paying jobs part of the time and able
to pick equipment that I like and suits me and my style, then the 67II
is the better choice.

When the action is quick (AF, automation) or I need light weight, I
use my 35mm gear.  When I want great image quality, I use the 67.  I
can say that I am very happy with my choice and would make the same
choice again if I could.

For the total cost of about $60, it seems that you owe it to yourself
to send back the 645 and try the 67.  The total purchase price is high
enough that the concept of rental for two weeks makes a lot of sense.
After trying the 67 - if you don't see enough difference between the
negs and/or don't prefer the 67 handling, send it back and get another
645.  Only you can really decide if you like one better than the
other.  Remember, for me, I much preferred the style, design and
handling of the 67.  I really disliked the Kepplarian style viewfinder
on the 645 - had to position my eye just so or it would not be visible
- quite annoying to me.

Send it back, try the 67 and then make your decision.  You would only
be out an extra 30 bucks to settle in your own mind and really not
ever question your final decision.


Thursday, October 17, 2002, 8:27:33 AM, you wrote:

g> I'm sure this is going to be an awfully weird, and stupid, message.
g> Please, bear with and input on the important question with me (and sorry
g> abou all the extraenous info, I like to babble).

g> I'm torn, I like everything about my 645 except teh fact that its "only"
g> 645.. It feels underwhelming to see the negs, and I'm wondering if I've
g> talked myself into something for the conviences it offers me (autowinder,
g> higher flash, easier handholdability, more frames).

g> I'm torn, I'm not sure if I would really see any advantage in 6x7 over
g> 6x45, or if I just tell myself this, so I turn to everyone to offer
g> insights. The flash sync problem can be overcome with a leafshutter lens,
g> which leans only the camera shake as an "immediate" problem. I'm definatly
g> a hand-hold kinda guy, as I prefer to travel light (and if I'm not going
g> to travel light, I can break out the 4x5).

g> Keep in mind, I don't hav ethe ability to goto a store and rent for a day.
g> My only option is to do what I did, buy from a mail order house and "rent"
g> it for two weeks. My two weeks ends real soon now, and I think I need to
g> decide.. So, bear with me, and feel free to encourge one way or another.

g> Most of my prints will be smaller. 8x10 or 11x14. I wanted an MF camera to
g> have nicer prints, smoother tonal range in B&W (which is what I primarily
g> do). I was happy with the tonality in my 6x6 negs, and figured that 645
g> would be fine since I crop in the viewfinder anyway (ergo 6x6 ends up
g> being 645). However, somehow I'm just not blown away by my 645 shots (this
g> may also be because I haven't taken any truly nice pictures with it).

g> Will I really see an apprechiable difference in small prints (8x10, 5x7,
g> even 4x5 proof sizes) if I go from 645 to 67, or am I just confusing
g> myself? I'm biased because I see the difference in an 8x10 made from a 4x5
g> image compared to 35mm (I know, I know, its no real comparision!), and I
g> think I'm just neg-fixated.

g> Pros:
g> 645: Easier to carry, easier to handhold, tolerable flash sync.
g> 67: Bigger neg, its what I orginally wanted. Big neg easier to accomplish
g> than setup of a 4x5.

g> Cons:
g> 645: Smaller neg, seems like a second choice.
g> 67: Not as handholdable. Handhold flash w/o LS lens not gonna happen,
g> giant neg possible with a 4x5.

g> I know, no one can tell me what I want, nor would I want them to (that's a
g> lie, I need people to tell me so I can stop being wishywashy!), however,
g> my biggest question, and what I need to know: Is there really a noticable
g> difference in the tonality of an 8x10 between 645 and 67.

g> Sending the camera back won't hurt too much ($30 in roundtrip shipping),
g> as i bought from a large mail order house (no where to rent, etc, around
g> here). My only problem is if I decide the 645 wouldn't been as good, I'd
g> loose a 645 I was quite happy with (large eyecup, grid screen, clean and
g> nice).

g> Perhaps this is some sort of male inadaquecy issue I should be dealing
g> with in therapy...

g> (upon re-reading, all I can think is "Wow, I'm pathetic")

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