Hi Allan,

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 22:02:22 -0700, Alan Chan wrote:

>>I'm considering installing a AG-80 AF Cross-Lined Matte screen in my
>>645n. This is the one with the grid.
>I don't have 645, but since nobody is answering, I might try to constribute 
>>- Has anyone changed a screen in a 645n? How hard is it?
>Shouldn't be hard. Unlike 67, 645 screens are user-interchagnable, just like 
>MX, LX or Z-1p.

I guess you are talking 6x7 and maybe 67 here, on the 67II changing the
screen is the easiest of all Pentax bodies I own!

(changed to a grid-screen a few weeks after getting the 67II)

Regards, JvW

Jan van Wijk;   http://www.dfsee.com/gallery

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