Last week-end, I met up with Mike Wilson in Newcastle.
To all you other folks who could have made it; -you really missed something!

Saturday afternoon, Mike picked me up at the airport and we drove straight
out in the countryside to take a good look at Hadrian's wall. Clear skies
and peach-coloured sunset really made the scenery stand out. As darkness
approached, we drove into Newcastle and photographed a reconstructed
watchtower from the wall as the full moon rose.

That is to say; I did. Mike had been expecting a large delivery of
mail-ordered film to arrive before the week-end, which of course it didn't.
Unfortunately, I had only the 645 kit with me, and couldn't lend him as much
as a roll. :-(

Sunday, we started off reasonably early and "did" the Northumbria coastline
with stops at the Lindisfarne, Bamburgh and Dunstanburgh castles. All
fascinating and very interesting places. For my own part, I think I could
have spent a _week_ photographing in each of the places.

Monday, I followed Mike in some of his business, which was also very
interesting, since we are both freshwater ecologists. Made me miss biology,

Right now, I'm scanning some of the shots from the five rolls I took. Hope
to put up a webpage with 'em tomorrow, so you can all see what you missed.

Many thanks again to Mike for planning the whole thing, and for your
generous hospitality.


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