
Just so you know, in the old days, TTL was kind of poor.  The reason
was that flash synch speed was always used automatically by the
camera's program setting.  This generally meant that your flash
pictures ended up with the subject well lit but the background
somewhat blacked out.  In more recent years, Pentax, among others, has
changed the program so that it will try to use the slowest hand
holdable shutter speed it can based on the focal length of the lens
attached.  By doing this, you let in as much ambient light as possible
and use as little flash as possible to get a properly exposed image.
The net result is that the backgrounds are not blacked out, but appear
more natural and less like a flash picture.  This is a good thing. You
had to kind of manually do that on the old SuperProgram body because
it always wanted to set the camera to 1/125 even though you had a
fairly wide angle lens on that could of been held at 1/30.

Hope this makes sense.


Saturday, October 26, 2002, 11:55:51 PM, you wrote:

BD> Ok,

BD> Time to spill my guts to you fine folks.  I need some help.  It's a silly
BD> matter that I've had since starting shooting.  Ok, here's the equipment
BD> first, cameras MZ-5n, MZ-S, flash units, AF330FTZ and AF360FGZ, lens
BD> example, my 28-105mm zoom.   Ok, mix and match the flashes to the cameras
BD> however you like.  Generally now it's the MZ-S with the AF360FGZ.  Normal
BD> indoor conditions, flash in hotshoe properly, all charged up, flash on the
BD> P-TTL or TTL, everything is normal.  Camera is set on program.  This all
BD> cool so far?  Ok, at 28mm, I get a wide open aperture in this case f/4 and a
BD> shutter speed of 1/30sec.  Does that make sense?  Is that correct?  I would
BD> have thought the aperture would be smaller, and the shutter speed higher.
BD> Ok, zoom out to the 105mm, aperture still wide open, now at f/5.6, 1/90sec
BD> shutter.  What's going on?  I always bypass this and sometimes set the
BD> aperture, most times, I don't.  I do however, in the MZ-5n, set the shutter
BD> to 1/125 to get the 1/100 sync.  With the MZ-S, I set it to 1/180.

BD> I'm quite embarrassed asking this question, but I now feel I need to know.
BD> Is what is happening correct?  Am I doing the right thing by setting the
BD> shutter higher?  Btw, the pictures turn out just fine.  I just don't
BD> understand why the shutter speed is SO low and the aperture is wide open.

BD> Please, any assistance would be very appreciated, and while feeling like a
BD> fool for a while, at least I'll know what the heck is going on.

BD> ******************************************************
BD> Brad W. Dobo, HBA (Eds.)
BD> ICQ#: 16566668

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