Cotty says... "If you haven't experienced considerable G force before, get
the pilot to
break you in gently. My eyeballs turn to mush past 2 G, but I'm a wimp.
If you can withstand 2G, you'll be okay to 3, but I doubt gliders get
that close. Put it this way, if the wing decides to seperate from the
fuselage, you've probably gone past 3 G. Not putting you off am I?

You'll have a great flight, enjoy it."

Indeed - the most unusual thing about glider flights is the accelleration -
as it was described to me, it's like throwing a rock off a cliff... Multiple
G at the bottom of a dive is not unusual, not flown inverted (but have
rolled...) in a glider. Actions are quite slow and deliberate - but great
fun. Didn't have camera with me, but next time....

Lack of noise is eerie!

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