I'd like to buy the correct equipment to do off camera flash witht eh
above cameras, and I prsume I can use the same equipment on both to do
it.. however, I can't for the life of me figure out WHAT I need.

OK, so I've got the camera(s) and flash gun, let's pretend I've got a
generic bracket with a shoe on it (cold shoe or whatever the generic
holder is called).

I need a 4P cord, or do I need a 5P cord? I presume 4P, and the 5 series
are for the FTZ series? What do I use to take it from the other end of the
sync cord to mate with the flash itself?

So very confused.

http://www.infotainment.org       <->     more fun than a poke in your eye.
http://www.eighteenpercent.com    <->     photography and portfolio.

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