Wendy Beard wrote:
> I'm with you Frank
> There's only so much drivel a person can take. Just used up my patience
> quota for November and it's only the 1st.
> I'll drop by next month and see how y'all are getting on, eh.
> Wendy

Why go to that effort, Wendy?
You will certainly miss a good post or two if you choose that way of
dealing with unwanted posts.
It's dead simple to click the delete button, as I regularly do.
Hang around, and be selective with who/what you read.
All you need is to select the Subject line or the Sender you don't
want to read, and proceed to the remaining posts.
At least, that's what I do, and it keeps me nice and calm! :^)
Well, at least calm...

keith whaley

> At 10:38 PM 01/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >I think I'll unsubscribe, and come back later.
> >
> >If anything's going on in the Toronto area, maybe someone can e-mail me
> >privately.  PDML is just getting to be a waste of time, and a damned
> >unpleasant one at that.
> >
> >I may be back.  Or not.
> >
> >see ya,
> >frank
> Wendy Beard,
> Ottawa, Canada
> http://www.beard-redfern.com

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