very good french ! :))))

J'ai compris ce que vous disiez !
- (I understand what you say)

c'est vrai que j'ai peut etre pas tout compris les messages de Stan et Paul :(
(its true, that I may be not understand the messages of stan and paul)



Shaun Canning a écrit:


Il semble y a un petit probleme avec des langues entre tous les nous. Les
conseil donnes a vous par Stan et Paul etaient bon conseil. L'enchere non
plus d'encore, et quelqu'un pourrait acheter cet objectif a la derniere
minute, qui est la maniere normale des choses. Il y a eu regard d'environ 50
personnes a votre objectif, qui est bon. Bien que vous ayez dit 800,00 euro
soit un bon prix, d'autres ne puissiez pas penser ainsi. C'est la nature des
encheres. L'attente juste et voient. Si elle ne se vend pas, demandez a
votre ami qui emploie e-bay de vous aider a vendre cet objectif.

I hope this makes more sense in French than it does in English....

Shaun Canning
PhD Student
Archaeology Department
La Trobe University, Bundoora,
Australia, 3086.

Phone: 0414-967 644

-----Original Message-----
From: titides [mailto:titides@;]
Sent: Tuesday, 5 November 2002 03:35
Subject: Re: A 200 macro f/4

So, you tell about me in bad thing. ok may be ... not my problem. why not ?

but, I don't an big seller, for sure automatically in Ebay, because I
don't like ebay (for more reasons)
but an friend to me, " put your lense in this site, its better like this "
so I do it, in
but I don't sell anything, and I buy not a lot too :)

I know person who sell lot of lenses, or others materials but they are
very serious, and they aren't on ebay !

for payement, I dont how its for the USA or other country out of France
:( sorry :)

You think that I must sell this to 600 euros ! (1000 dollars)
but I sell it for 11000-12000 FF (1600 to 1800 euros) :) less 3000
dollars !
and I think that 800 euros, its a good price for this super lense :)
50% of the price !
I'm sure that if you see this lense in a shop, I really sure that the
price is more high than me.

> a. withdraw the lens, sell a number of low-value items, establish a
> seller reputation. Then and only then try to sell a high-value lens.

lol, how to have a good positive seller reputation because I just sell
that ?
Can you explain me please

> b. revise the description and say that you will pay for the cost of an
> Escrow service if the buyer would like the extra assurance.

I dont understand what you say, sorry :(

> c. hope and pray that your auction is seen by a buyer who very much wants
> this lens, and who has the money and who is willing to risk a great
deal of
> money on a very slow uncertain transaction.

I repeat, I just put in, I don't know that the other ebay can
be found this.

PS : ebay put me out, because I don't was "active" in this site :) just
after put this ? I dont understand why ?


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