Vic, oh no!!!  I think I really just committed to a store here.  I guess I
could cancel, but I don't like that....  If only you sent 2 hours ago!!!!!
I'll think on it.  Maybe will cancel order and call your store and hold it
and make the drive.

Regards and thanks!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: My little poll on lens and what is happening

> Brad don't know if you got my earlier message I'm getting a lot of bounce
> back lately. Burlington Camera has the 20-35 in stock. I think it's about
> $800 Cdn.
> Vic
> In a message dated 11/6/02 10:24:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << Ya, got that Dave.  Well, not 'got that' as in 'bought that'.  I
> here and pressed the time issue with the store.  You contact was very nice
> in telling me if I have any difficulties with the store, to let her know
> what store, and she would assure me a Pentax Rep would immediately fix the
> situation.  I like that.  I take back some of those Pentax Canada comments
> ;-)
> Thanks Dave!
> (Btw, how is that new highway 404 coming along? <g>) >>

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