Hello all,

I really enjoyed the PUG from this month of November. Here is some of my
very personnal favorites, in no specific order :

"Bait" by John Coyle
A contrasty image with strong blacks and nice lines. I pretty much enjoy the
power of shot.

"Morning Has Broken"  by Harald Rust
This is a really nice landscape, very peaceful, very soft and very quiet. A
place I'd like to be. The color range especially the pinks looks nice.

"From the End of the World" by  Matjaz Osojnik
Altough it loks at first sight a little bit "cliché", a lot of warmth comes
from this shot. It seems like I can feel the atmospere there was at that
particular moment.

"Parked" by  Bob Poe
I must say I really like this shot. A very interesting picture indeed. If it
shows a car on a parking, the meaning to me is a step further, the white
stripe on the ground making me think about human relationships, and how we
are all looking to get "parked" one day, even when we try to be as
anti-conformist as we can be. I find in this picture a very metaphoric and
realistic description of how us, humans tend to be in society : even when we
are very close from each other (like cars in a parking), there is always a
wall between us that is really hard to come through (symbolised by the

Sorry for my bad english, describing my feelings is the toughest part of
writting in a foreign language !

Thanks for the nice time I had spending this month's gallery, and wishing
you all some nice photos for the days to come !


Thibault Grouas.

                      |    Thibault Grouas    |
                      | http://photofr.ath.cx |
                      |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |

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