
I don't know how you can deal with so many different types of film.
When I'm on a trip I take one type of film only, usually Kodachrome,
in 2 speeds. Keeping it simple hugely reduces the scope for confusion
and thinking I have the wrong film.

Similar things apply to the 'what if...' syndrome. You can get over
this by thinking ahead of time of the type of things you plan to
photograph. I go to places because there are specific subjects there
that I want to see, experience and photograph. This makes it easier to
plan and anticipate my needs, although I won't claim always to get it
right. My major fault in this respect is taking too many lenses, 'just
in case', but I am overcoming this and was encouraged in it by noting
that when I was in India a few months ago I shot predominantly with 35
and 85mm lenses.



Friday, November 8, 2002, 3:00:21 PM, you wrote:

> I'm going on vacation in a few weeks.  I've pretty
> much been debating this issue since day one of
> planning for my vacation.

> I originally wanted to bring:

> 3 rolls of Provia 100f
> 5 rolls of Astia 100
> 3 rolls of FP4+ and HP5+
> 4 rolls each of Reala, Superia XTRA 400 and 800

> Then I thought, "What if?"

> So I am adding another roll or two of Astia.  Probably
> one of Provia, one more of Reala, and three rolls of
> Tri-X.  That should round it out.

> But then again, "What if?"

> I guess you can never have too many rolls of film in
> your bag.

> Francis M. Alviar

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