
Larry Burrows was a British photographer who was killed in Vietnam.
I don't think he is very well known outside photographic circles
(wherein he is a legend). His work has not been very widely published
in recent years, so some people on the list may not be very familiar
with it, except for a few key, classic images.

A new book with the title above has just been published.

I only saw it today for the first time, so I bought it but I haven't
yet removed the shrink wrap, therefore I can't comment yet on the
contents. But I have his one other book, a tribute called 'Larry
Burrows Compassionate Photographer', published by Life shortly after
his death, and it is superb, so I fully expect this one to be. His
work is also featured in 'Requiem'.

He used to work in the Life lab in London during WWII and for a long
time it was rumoured that he was the poor sod who ruined Capa's D-Day
snaps. At one time he also worked for the National Gallery (I think)
in London, photographing old master paintings. He attributed his
compositional skills to that period, and he is indeed a master of
composition. We could probably all learn a great deal by studying his

That's all - just a 'heads up', as you Americans say, for those who are



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