On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 05:20  PM, Dan Scott wrote:

On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 04:00  PM, Bill Owens wrote:

If I can get my carcass out of bed early enough, I plan on shooting them
with the P30t/Zenitar 16mm fisheye and the Kiev 60/Arsat 35mm fisheye, both
on Ilford 400 B&W film.


Me and a friend are going to take in the 10 o'clock early show a little to the north of San Antonio, Texas. I'll be taking either some 800 speed Kodak or Fuji, depending on what's in the bag. Also, a tripod, the ZX-5n w/remote cable, FA 24/2, FA 35/2, A 50/1.7, and the FA 77/1.8--trying to cover my bases in case the moon is putting out too much light for the wider angles.

My friend will be taking his Oly 3030 digital.

Dan Scott


I had a great time, draining a thermos of coffee and bullsh*tting with my bud. Astronomically, however, the night was a bit of a bust. I did see two faint meteorites but, between the intensely bright moon and the high, patchy cloud cover, conditions were less than optimal.

Dan Scott

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