
It's not that easy for me:

I am not sure I care much for 24/2 for several reasons
-- it's twice as big and heavy
-- it uses 67 filters (IIRC)
-- it has longer min focusing distance
-- I am not sure that f/2 is a real advantage over f/2.8: I don't have trouble 
focusing, and being 24mm, it's mostly used at  f/8+. If there were 24/4 half the size 
and weight of f/2.8 and at least as sharp, I'd jump on it!
-- which also means that AF is of dubious advantage -- pretty much everything is in 
focus anyway. Besides everyone's saying tthat that KAF3 is coming <VBG>

OTOH, for super wide angle, matrix metering would probably be very useful (at least, 
center-weighted is next to useless -- but I use a handheld meter with it anyway). 

So unless FA 24/2 hugely outperforms A24/2.8, I see it having many cons and very few 


> From: Chris Brogden 
> This is an easy one.  Keep the K, sell the A.  Use 
> the MF K lens for those times when feel, handling, 
> and taking pleasure in the act of photography are 
> more important than having the most advanced 
> metering.  And if you want to update your 
> technology, no sense going halfway to an A-series...
> spring for the AF 24/2 and get AF along with multi-
> pattern metering.
> chris

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