-- -----Original Message-----
-- From: David A. Mann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
-- Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 1:41 AM
-- Doug Franklin wrote:
-- > > > http://cesar_abdul.home.mindspring.com/limwear.html
-- > > I think some of your slashes are backwards.
-- > Nope, they're all correct for a URL.  Pretty much only Internet
-- > Exploder will understand using backslash ("\") in a URL, and
-- > backslashes aren't legal within a URL according to the standard
-- > document.
-- Underscores aren't really allowed either which is why some
-- of us have
-- problems viewing Cesar's site.
-- Most software seems to "turn a blind eye" to the
-- non-standard character,
-- and allow it through.  My ISP's proxy is configured to
-- disallow it (so
-- was mine by default).  If you go into your browser settings
-- and disable
-- the proxy you may be able to get through.  Be sure to re-enable it
-- afterwards.
-- I was going to give a link to the page with an IP address
-- but after I got
-- the page, the images would not load :(
-- Cheers,
-- - Dave
-- http://www.digistar.com/~dmann/


Thanks for the input.  I cannot change the site name now, but it is
something I will have to think about.

Concerning not being able to load the photos, I was doing some work on the
site last night so that could have been the reason.

Panama City, Florida
in Dayton, Ohio

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