>> This just
>> confirms my impression that Pentax is a moribund brand.

Hardly. With the first DSLR coming out next Spring, the baby Optio digicams
selling like hotcakes for Christmas, the first flagship body in years still
new (well, newish) on the market, whole medium format lines including an AF
645, and...yes, riches galore, endless riches, on eBay, from Pentax

I don't know, but I suspect that most of the people on this list, like me,
could survive for the rest of our photographic lives quite nicely if EVERY
OTHER photographic brand name BUT Pentax dried up and blew away tomorrow....

Pentax uber alles,


Mike Johnston

See my weekly online column about photography at either of these two



Also, check out my new monthly column in the English _Black & White
Photography_ magazine!

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