Just a couple of thoughts...

Mike J. noted that Pentax was moving a ton of Optio digital cameras.
Somebody else pointed to a Japanese article last week, calling this 
time the sweet spot in the market, suggesting that volume was big
enough and costs were now low enough to make profits in the category.

Pentax looks pretty good here, if your focus is making money.  This is
the same Mass Market position Pentax has always aimed for.  Did they
follow a plan and successfully execute it?

Sony, Fuji, Kodak and others have the Mass Market tied up in the USA.
They are the ones in the Big Box retail stores, the ones selling electronics
and video equipment for Christmas.  

2nd thought...

A woman at work asked me to recommend a digital camera.  I told her where to 
look, but had 2nd thoughts the next day.  

She is not computer illiterate, but I wasn't sure how much equipment she has 
at home.  I talked to here about it later in the week.  She has 2 young kids 
under 6.  I could see her hard disk going down and here losing the last 5 
years of family photos.

We all are pretty computer savvy here.  We have CD burners to cut our 
pictures to.  We have classy printers and photo programs to manipulate the 
images and print them.  It's a lot of equipment and know-how that goes into 
having digital images.

We both came to the conclusion that what she needed was a new film based 
point-n-shoot, not a digital camera.  It means most of today's digital camera 
market is computer geeks.  That's a surprising thought...

Regards,  Bob S.

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