On Thursday, November 28, 2002, at 03:08  PM, McRae, Max MS wrote:

The birds proved quite difficult to get really close to and I never got my male in full display before they all wandered off under a fence into another property.

A fascinating creature the turkey...hideously ugly and yet compellingly attractive.
The feather texture is quite exquisite and they make excellent subjects to add to a collection.

The farmer gave me permission to film them from his property, so I'm hoping I can get something worthy to put up on the PUG.


Auckland NZ

Hi Max,

Good luck with your shots.

Bit of trivia for you. One of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, pulled hard for the wild turkey as our national bird, contending that it was noble, courageous, and intelligent--a fitting symbol of our national character. Franklin objected to the bald eagle on the grounds that it wasn't of good character, content to subsist on food bullied and stolen from more industrious hawks and eagles. The bald eagle won the vote, and today most people see the turkey as the emblem of stupidity (not knowing that Franklin's noble bird has been intensively bred to its current feeble state, loaded with saleable flesh and very little brain).

Dan Scott

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