How do Provia 100F and
Astia 100 compare in terms of sharpness, saturation, and grain?
Paul Stenquist

Paul,  The current  RDPIII/Provia 100F has less contrast and saturation
than RVP Velvia 50, but the grain is as fine as the slower Velvia.
RAP/Astia is balanced for flesh tones and is an excellent all-around color
slide film showing less saturation and contrast than Provia 100F. Grain is
a bit more coarse than Provia but should not be a problem under 16X20
enlargements from 35mm. Sensia 100/RA is said to be Astia sold at a lower
price as an "amateur film". Sensia 200/RM is altogether , IMO, inferior to
any of the aforementioned films. As a practical matter, in my experience,
Astia lets you retain some shadow detail in shots that would have black
shadows on Velvia or Provia and is a good portrait film.

Bill Lawlor

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