"William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>why this obsession with feel?
>I take pictures because I like using cameras. The "feel" of the
>equipment means as much or more to me as the picture.

I'd like to add my 2 cents worth in. There is a certain pleasure in working
with something that is well engineered and made. An enjoyment in the tactile
feel of it. The analogy of a musician strikes me as being similar. A great
guitarist can make a $50 Sears guitar sound wonderful, but most will play
well set up Strats, or Les Pauls, or maybe a custom body. I played bass in a
blues band in the 80's and I loved the feel of old Fender precisions (I had
a 64 with a B neck). Did it make me a better bass player? not really. Did it
add to my enjoyment? most definitely. I find the same is true for me with
cameras. I like the feel of older Pentax lenses and bodies. They don't make
me a better photographer, but they add to my enjoyment. I would consider
feel ONE of the criteria in buying a new (to me) lens or body.


"Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself"
Hermann Hesse (Demian)

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