On Tuesday 13 February 2007 12:07, Roger Libiez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hmm. Come to think of it, you're right. With that in mind, how would
> one go about creating the reverse lookup zone? Documentation on this
> is pretty vague.

A reverse zone is identical to a forward zone.  It's just named 
something.in-addr.arpa.  Having said that, though, I don't think you 
need one.  The reverse DNS for those entries is being served by 
ns[12].dslextreme.com, not your server.

$ dig ns 49.218.66.in-addr.arpa

49.218.66.in-addr.arpa. 83892   IN      NS      ns1.dslextreme.com.
49.218.66.in-addr.arpa. 83892   IN      NS      ns2.dslextreme.com.

$ dig @ns1.dslextreme.com. any

;; ANSWER SECTION: 86400 IN    PTR     boralis.arthmoor.com.

In a world where the citizens of most developed nations have half their
incomes wrested from them by the state, how widely supported do you 
think the idea of "freedom" really is? - Russ Nelson

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