On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 11:55:16AM +0100, Fabien Seisen wrote:
> i have some difficulties to understand what "max-cache-entries" means.


Which PowerDNS Recursor version did you test against? For a period of 5
minutes, in 3.1.7 you might see far higher numbers. This is addressed in


> I did some tests:
> - set max-cache-entries = 10000
> - send several queries (~1 000 000)
> - watch at" rec_control get cache-entries"
> And the number growed far beyond max-cache-entries .
> I dig a bit into the sources and it seems "max-cache-entries" is not really
> what it says.
> Any clue ?
> thank you,
> -- 
> Fabien

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