On 25 February 2011 06:35, Elfyn McBratney <el...@nyfle.co.uk> wrote:
> WRT MNAME (aka $ORIGIN), that's not supported in PowerDNS as it is in
> BIND (at least as far as I know -- I could be wrong!). If you're
> migrating existing BIND zones, zone2sql can handle that automatically
> with its "--zone" option. Again, I'd recommend reading the manual at
> the aforementioned URL as this is all explained there in a much more
> coherent fashion. ;)

Eek, disregard that paragraph please. My, er, morning coffee hadn't
quite kicked in. The so-called MNAME field is the first part of a
record's "content" field, which would be "ns1.nyfle.co.uk" in my
previous example.

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