On 7/7/2011 2:56 μμ, Nick Milas wrote:

Could you please give us LDAP-backend users an update as we are closing to 3.0 release?

[Parenthetically, I feel I must also refer here to the issue with pdns_control not working with LDAP backend to send Notify messages - old Bug #37 (closed, but should probably be re-opened).]

I have been notified (off-list) by Bert that package 2235 (http://powerdnssec.org/downloads/pdns-3.0-rc2.20110714.2235.tar.gz) fixes long-standing Ticket #260 (= #323) [http://wiki.powerdns.com/trac/ticket/260].

I've compiled and tested and it works fine.

Thank you Bert.

If by any chance Bert has time to see what's wrong with pdns_control (http://wiki.powerdns.com/trac/ticket/37) when used with ldap backend, then PowerDNS can boast standalone (without need of external software) LDAP support at (semi-) master level. (Full Master support will be available after Ticket #318 is closed, not any time soon I am afraid, unless someone takes over LDAP backend support.)

Thanks again,

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