On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 10:05 AM, Chris Russell
<chris.russ...@knowledgeit.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Bert,
>> The best I can do is refer to this thread, which lists some data points: 
>> http://mailman.powerdns.com/pipermail/pdns-users/2011-May/007719.html
>  Cheers, that's a good start :)

We're an ISP utilizing PowerDNS, although small scale if you compare
us to others/other countries (~2000 domains).

>> Measuring the 'company domain name' with fpdns is of limited utility - the 
>> company domain name itself is often not on the ISP production platform.
>  Yes I know, it more was I was expecting pdns or no match, but it came back 
> with bind.
>  It's not so much the question of "is this supported 24x7" etc, I`m already 
> impressed with the level of support provided on these lists which your 
> response is a fine example of which says how good the commercial support 
> would be. We may go down that route but I think their feedback is really more 
> just about a name. My direct manager knows Bind, so I have to justify "not 
> bind", if you see what I mean.

Our selling point was the MySQL backend, which to be true, is the
mainly reason we use PowerDNS. When we started it was the only DNS
software with a stable MySQL backend, and since it has worked well we
haven't looked for alternatives.
The MySQL backend makes it a whole lot easier for us to write
management software, as we don't have to fuddle with file permissions,
zone reloading and what not. I don't know if that's something you
would work towards/use.

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