
Its about the Query cache, and authoritative server query cache.
I want to know if a particular DNS server resolves a dynamic dns entry via
the pipe interface.
If the requesting DNS servers IP address is included in the cache entry ?
If the same DNS server looking for the same query if it will get the cache
entry or if it goes back down to pipe back-end to resolve the request ?


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 11:06 AM, bert hubert <>wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:58:20AM -0800, George Fawcett wrote:
> > Hello pdns-users,
> >
> > I have a question about the query cache, does the query cache take in
> > account the the requesting resolvers IP in the cache ?
> > So that it caches the result for that particular resolver ?
> > Meaning more of the same request will return the cached value ?
> Hi George,
> Is your question about the packet cache (which caches packets) or about the
> query cache (which caches backend queries to the database)?
> Also, about authoritative of recursor?
> Please let me know so I can write the right answer!
>         Bert
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