On Thursday, February 19, 2015, Nick Williams <nicho...@nicholaswilliams.net>

> I'm upgrading to authoritative 3.4 and noticed that the records.content
> column has been increased from 255 characters to 64000 characters. Because
> my table is UTF-8, I get the following error:
> mysql> ALTER TABLE records MODIFY content VARCHAR(64000);
> ERROR 1074 (42000): Column length too big for column 'content' (max =
> 21845); use BLOB or TEXT instead
> I know I can use latin1, but I tend to avoid any non-Unicode character
> sets completely, and would prefer to stick with UTF-8. Given that:
> - What changed that required the increase from 255 to 64,000 characters?
> - Is there any reason that I couldn't just use VARCHAR(21845)?
> - Are there any performance implications to using TEXT instead of
> VARCHAR(64000)?
> Thanks,
> Nick
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