(if your mail environment does not format this post correctly, please try: 
<http://blog.powerdns.com/2016/07/11/welcome-to-powerdns-4-0-0> )

Welcome to PowerDNS 4.0.0!
Today a rather epic journey ends. In this post, we describe how 4.0.0 came to 
be, what we did, what we added, but also answer the big question: should I 
deploy PowerDNS 4?  And enable DNSSEC validation? Finally.. to celebrate, we’ll 
be handing out vouchers for FREE PowerDNS 4.0.0 Coffee (or tea) mugs! 

But first, a round of thanks. PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.0.0 and PowerDNS 
Recursor 4.0.0 are the biggest releases in our history. This would not have 
been possible without the help of a lot of people. The PowerDNS community 
continues to be the stuff of dreams.

We believe in being an open company 
<https://blog.open-xchange.com/2015/03/24/powerdns/> and producing powerful 
technology as open source. We are extremely grateful to be part of such a 
wonderful community that enables us together to make the internet and our 
software even greater.  Thanks to you, this is the most powerful version of 
PowerDNS ever, and one we feel can be relied upon to serve your needs!

Secondly, we’d like to thank our supported users (customers) too. Through their 
efforts, we were able to cram even more features into PowerDNS 4.0.0 than 
originally anticipated. Specifically, RPZ, IXFR and DNSSEC validation have been 
fast-tracked and enabled by (sadly) anonymous but very large PowerDNS customers.

Additionally, a shout out to Spamhaus, Farsight and ThreatSTOP who all made 
their wonderful RPZ feeds freely available for interoperability testing.

Finally, we are grateful for your understanding. PowerDNS 4.0.0 was a major 
‘spring cleaning 
<https://blog.powerdns.com/2015/11/28/powerdns-spring-cleaning/>‘ operation 
that took 16 months. It is rare for software projects to be granted the time to 
revisit and cleanup old code. We trust it was worth the wait!


In February 2015 we announced our plans for the 4.x.x branch of PowerDNS 
 Late May of that year, we asked for your help determining the roadmap for 
 and we got a lot of feedback from that. Late June we published the outcome of 
that process 

At the end of 2015 we launched the 4.0.0 Technology Preview releases 
 (including dnsdist), where we noted:

A few months into the development, various users and customers suddenly chimed 
in on absolutely mandatory features we had somehow missed. Because of that, 4.x 
both under- and over-delivers.

During the 4.0.0 release process, we have stayed in close touch with our users 
and customers. And although we would have liked to have stuck to our roadmap, 
inevitably, some absolutely mandatory requirements came up. We spent most of 
early 2016 working with large (future) deployments to ensure 4.0.0 delivered 
what they needed (and deployed!).

So what did we do? You can read the full details in the release notes (auth 
 recursor link 
<http://blog.powerdns.com/2016/07/11/powerdns-recursor-4-0-0-released/>), but 
here in short:


Over time, most software projects keep adding features, but sadly also a lot of 
complexity and “cruft”. For us, 4.0.0 was a “spring cleaning 
<https://blog.powerdns.com/2015/11/28/powerdns-spring-cleaning/>” exercise. We 
removed a lot of ancient code, tons of workarounds, loads of no longer relevant 
optimisations, non-functional backends and otherwise outdated code. We switched 
to C++2011, which allowed us to benefit from its enhanced features to make our 
code briefer and better 


Full DNSSEC in the PowerDNS Recursor (Authoritative had this since 3.x)
RPZ in Recursor, tested to work with Spamhaus, Farsight Security and ThreatSTOP.
IXFR slaving in Authoritative and Recursor (for RPZ)
ODBC (Microsoft SQL Server & Azure) and LDAP backends are fully supported again 
in Authoritative
Vastly improved Lua modules in Recursor, including the ability to 
asynchronously query reputation servers or databases (!)
EDNS Client Subnet support in Recursor (Authoritative supported this in 3.x.x 
GEOIP backend enhanced, for example to support countries but also direct 
subnets for source dependent answers
All caches can now be wiped for whole subtrees
Powerful new metrics that point out performance and operational problems (fd 
usage, memory usage, network responsiveness, kernel dropped packets)
ALIAS records so you can “CNAME your domain”, including DNSSEC support (as used 
by search.whitehouse.gov <http://search.whitehouse.gov/>!)
New pdnsutil commands like ‘pdnsutil edit-zone 
 create-zone, add-record, replace-rrset
Halved query load on most database backends

Definitely. PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.x.x and PowerDNS Recursor 
pre-releases are already widely deployed. All of us over at PowerDNS rely fully 
on the 4.0.0 version, and in fact find 3.x.x somewhat painful to use in 
comparison. We trust the code in 4.0.0 more.

In terms of performance, both Authoritative and Recursor look to offer higher 
peak performance than 3.x.x. We have performed extensive benchmarking on the 
Recursor, and reliably achieve 400kqps on “actual customer traffic”. For 
Authoritative, we note that 4.0.0 halves the database backend query load in 
many circumstances.

Enabling DNSSEC processing in Recursor 4.0.0 (the default) means slightly 
higher CPU utilization than 3.x.x. Turning on validation roughly doubles the 
CPU load.


DNSSEC does not make DNS any easier. Many DNS and DNSSEC enabled domains are 
misconfigured. Our trials indicate PowerDNS Recursor 4.0.0 will successfully 
validate all correctly configured domains(that we have tested). The bad news is 
that many domains, some important ones even, are not correctly configured.

Our advice for now is: turn on DNSSEC validation 
<https://doc.powerdns.com/md/recursor/dnssec/> if you are prepared to spend 
time monitoring the log files for validation failures. And even as we improve 
our resilience against badly configured domains and work out issues, this 
advice will remain in place. DNSSEC validation, regardless of software used for 
it, requires monitoring. A useful option at this time is ‘log-fail 
<https://doc.powerdns.com/md/recursor/dnssec/>‘, which will do the validation 
but only log the failures, and not block the answers.


As a small token of our appreciation, we have teamed up with MugBug 
<http://www.mugbug.co.uk/> to ship free PowerDNS 4.0.0 release mugs to anyone 
who was in any way part of the process. Uniquely, this giveaway extends to 
anyone deploying PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.0.0 or PowerDNS Recursor 4.0.0 
in the coming months!

So, apply for a free mug or even a set of mugs (if you are in an office), if 

Opened an issue relevant for PowerDNS 4.0.0 on GitHub
Contributed code or a pull request that ended up in 4.0.0
Supplied testing data (PCAPs) now or in the past
Deployed PowerDNS 4.0.0 betas, release candidates, alphas or the technology 
Feel in any other way that you contributed to 4.0.0!
If you are part of a team, feel free to apply for mugs for the whole team. 
There is no need to send us your address details (since MugBug will do the 
actual logistics), but we do need to know who you are and what you did to be 
part of the PowerDNS community! Please email to 
<mailto:powerdns-4.0-contribut...@powerdns.com> with your details (which we 
absolutely promise not to use in any other way then to authorize MugBug to send 
you your mugs!).

We’ve allocated a generous budget for the free mug giveaway, but it is limited 
– but we expect to be able to ship hundreds of mugs.


Thank you for your interest in PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.0.0 and Recursor 
4.0.0! Other blog posts have the full details and download links for the 
Authoritative Server 
 and the Recursor 

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