I've been toiling with pdns for the past few days and keep finding that much of 
the information on the net on how to go about setting this up is a mess of 
versions that don't work.

I've rebuilt from scratch and this should all be pretty simple but to confirm, 
I need some help so posting here.

First, I am setting this up on a Centos7 server.
The version I am using is 

I also installed pdns-backend-mysql which seemed to be needed since there were 
errors until I installed this.

Now the package is installed but of course, doesn't install the database. This 
is where I need your help to confirm I am doing the right things.

I then use the following schema; 

QUESTION: Is this the correct schema for the version I have installed?

I restart the server and do not see any errors. 

Now, I want to add the admin package so install the following.

QUESTION: Is this the correct package for the version of pdns which I have 

After these two things are installed, is there anything else I need to install 
in order to have a master authoritative server which mainly only propagates 
outward, meaning, no client connections.


1: docs say that when adding/updating/removing records from the db, powerdns 
never needs to be restarted.
If I manually add a record into the db without using the powerdns interface, 
will pdns know to update itself instantly?

2: is there a way of adding/updating/removing records from the command line 
without using mysql?

3: After installing the powerdns server, do I change the /etc/resolv.conf file 
to in order to use this dns server rather than an external?

Thanks very much for any help you can provide.

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