On 23/01/2018 08:09, Alain RICHARD wrote:
I well know the scenario 3, but it means to either reconfigure the clients to 
point to the new DNS recursor, or reconfigure the domains and masters/slave 
servers in order to point to the new DNS auth.
That's correct.

There are several reasons why it is best practice to separate your nameservers (even when using bind, you should have two separate instances).  In my experience, the number one problem with mixing recursor and auth at ISP scale is when people move their domains away.

Suppose a customer has their domain "example.com" on your DNS service.  Some time later they move the domain away to a different ISP, changing the delegating in the registry without telling you. This leaves you with an old, stale authoritative zone on your DNS.

If the caches and authoritative are the same boxes, then *your* customers will still be seeing data from the stale zone, whilst the rest of the Internet sees the correct data for example.com.  This can lead to problems which are really hard to debug; e.g. your customers can't send mail to example.com, but example.com is unaware of any issue (because mail works fine to everyone else).  So it hits *your* support desk.

However, if your auth and recursors are separate, there is no problem.  Your recursors follow the delegation to the new authoritative servers at the other ISP; and nobody ever queries the stale example.com zone on your authoritative server, because there is no delegation to it.

The number two reason is usage patterns.  DNS resolvers use lots of RAM and churn it hard; DNS authoritative servers have a very small memory footprint.  If your DNS resolver crashes for some reason, you don't want your authoritative DNS to fail.  If they are separate, they are much easier to manage and scale.

If you have combined DNS, and you grow, eventually you'll need to take the hit of separating them.

Changing clients is usually the simplest thing.  For those on DHCP it's trivial.  Anything which is statically configured you can do one machine at a time, and run a packet capture on the old IP address until you see no more clients using it.

If you are serving only a small number of authoritative domains, and you control them all, then you might find redelegating them to be easier.  Note that recursor clients are configured to point to an IP address (e.g. while authoritative DNS is delegated to a name (e.g. ns.example.com).  So you can change the A record for ns.example.com to point to without affecting the recursor clients.  If the nameserver record is inside the domain being delegated, you'll need to update the glue record as well.

You could also consider moving your customers' authoritative DNS into some central service that you manage, and just leave caches on the customer sites.
The problem is that on 90% of installations (generally bind installations), the 
sites are using the same addresses for auth and recursor function.
I think you made that percentage figure up, but it depends anyway on what type of site you are talking about.

PowerDNS is primarily designed for large-scale ISP operation.  It works very well in small setups too, but as of 4.1 it requires that you follow the number one rule of ISP-scale DNS, which is to keep authoritative and recursive servers separate.

As it says at https://blog.powerdns.com/2017/11/30/powerdns-authoritative-server-4-1/ "This will impact many installations, and we realize this may be painful, but it is necessary."

So for me the problem is do I still can use powerdns as replacement for bind 
without reconfiguring the whole DNS setup on curstomer’s sites.

Then of course, feel free to stick with BIND if it meets your needs better.

If you *really* want to use PowerDNS authoritative and recursor on a single IP and port, then the migration guide shows how to use dnsdist in front, and distribute queries to either recursor or authoritative server based on client source IP address:


But I would not recommend that level of complexity at customer sites.



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