On 17/10/2018 10:43, Asanka Gunasekara wrote:
The issue I currently have is that when I test the records via intodns.com or some other DNS check servers they report back saying lame servers.

Under recursor.conf, I have the following two lines basically forwarding all queries to the authoritative server.

Is there a way to configure the recursor to answer authoritatively for all queries? Say for example via Lua script with setAA() function perhaps?

No - I'm afraid you can't do it this way.  Your authoritative server must be bound to port 53 if it's accepting queries from the outside world.

You options are:

1. Run your recursor and authoritative server bound to two different IP addresses (or in separate VMs or containers with their own IPs)


2. Don't list your authoritative server in the NS records, and instead use it as a "hidden primary".  That is, you have two or more additional nameservers on public IPs, which are listed in NS records, and they get their zone content from the hidden primary (either by a zone transfer from x.x.x.x:5300, or by database replication)

Final note: please don't use forward-zones to forward all queries to an authoritative server, since it's not authoritative for the whole Internet.  You should rarely need forward-zones at all: as long as the NS records for your domain point to your authoritative servers, the recursor will find them by itself.  Forward-zones are normally used for private domains which can't be delegated (e.g. localhost, 168.192.in-addr.arpa)


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