> Am 15.12.2018 um 09:50 schrieb bert hubert <bert.hub...@powerdns.com>:
> On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 09:42:21AM +0100, Bit World Computing - Michael 
> Mertel wrote:
>> Hi Aleksandr,
>> I’am somewhat lost, I’am able to set a rule to have the Lua function called 
>> for MX requests, but how do I return a response? Spoof ist just for 
>> A-records, but not for MX.
>> addLuaAction(QTypeRule(dnsdist.MX), luarule)
> Hi Michael,
> As far as I know, dnsdist can't generate MX records, so you'll have to do
> this in the PowerDNS Recursor. Sorry!
> In the Recursor it is not very hard to do though, use postResolve to
> override all MX records you see in responses.
> This makes sure you don't invent MX records for domains that don't have
> them.
> Also be aware that if there is no MX record for a domain, a mail server
> might decide to send email directly to the A record.
> Good luck!
>       Bert

Thanks Bert you saved my day, will switch over to recursor.

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