Otto Moerbeek wrote:
On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 04:20:46PM +0300, Cristian Seres via Pdns-users wrote:

AFAIK, if you are using native replication, the type of your zone
should be native and not master.

Sorry, my mistake in the email, this test domain is actually native:

MariaDB [powerdns]> select * from domains where name like '%testxyz%';
| id  | name    | master | last_check | type   | notified_serial | account |
| 265 | testxyz |        |       NULL | NATIVE |            NULL |         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Actually we do have several domains with MASTER together native MySQL sync, because a third party non-PowerDNS DNS server is also serving some of our DNSSEC enabled domains with anycast. That is also why we have


in all PowerDNS servers.

With best regards,

Cristian Seres
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