Just wanted to add that Zend 5.5 that im talking about is NOT PDT based.
It's a previous Zend Studio Commercial release.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Jacek Kobus <kobus.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's okay. Next time just try to replace '@' in emails with 'at' or smthin
> so it wont get harvested by a spam boot :0
> I've read it. I'm still testing Zend Eclipse ( free one, PDT 2 ) and Zend
> 6.1 (aka Neon, commercial, PDT 2).
> (Code completion and code assist is the same thing btw.)
> It's hard to tell, why this feature is not working.
> If i will notice something new that would help in any way to locate the
> source of the problem I'll post it under this bug report.
> Sometimes i have feeling that this CC box is "fat and slow" and just hangs
> during data-read, and thats the reason why it doesnt show up.
> In Zend 5.5 its different. CC Box shows instantly, its light and fast.
> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 5:30 PM, sNop <sn...@seznam.cz> wrote:
>> Jacek Kobus napsal(a):
>> > Exactly guys !
>> >
>> > I saw plenty of bug reports on the PDT website that are connected in
>> > many various ways with cc & ca.
>> > PDT 2.1 relase date is shedlued to june 2009 ... :( hope it will be
>> > fixed cause this tool is great so many thx to ppl who are creating this.
>> >
>> > PDT has so many GREAT features i would like to use, but those two that
>> > are not working properly ruins everything.
>> > Currently I am working on Zend 5.5 and in my opinion its the best now.
>> > Its not free, its straight, but code completition is very fast and
>> > always works.
>> >
>> > Sometimes i think that the problem with eclipse is, that it's too
>> > flexible, got way too much options and it's horribly complicated. This
>> > is a paradox.
>> >
>> > I tough that im stupid but now i see that the problem isnt me, my
>> > computer neither.
>> >
>> > Im just a bit worried cause such problems appeared already in 1.x
>> > versions and it was not fixed :(
>> >
>> > I posted a bug report to the zend (for zend 6.1 based on PDT 2.0).
>> > We'll see what will they say about this problem.
>> >
>> > Thanks for your replay, looking forward to hear other's opinion.
>> >
>> Hi I hope, that I don't offend you, but I have posted your text to the
>> bugzilla:
>> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=260557
>> The reason is simple, my english isn't so good, I don't know describe
>> problem so detaily and so good.
>> If you have some more info, pls read that bug and post some more info.
>> --
>> sNop
>> pgp -  http://radeonvmod.ic.cz/keys/snop3.asc
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