On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 5:16 AM, Marc Weber <marco-owe...@gmx.de> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 11:06:55PM -0500, beerfan wrote:
>> Can anyone provide a link or instructions how to disable html
>> validation for php files in Eclipse 3.3.2? I've unchecked the "HTML
>> Syntax Validator" and "HTML Syntax Validator (for PHP Files)" options
>> in the validation settings but html validation is still being done.
> Goto the Package Explorer on the left, alt/meta + enter on the project
> folder
> On the left bottom you'll see "Validation". I hope this is what you're
> looking for

alt/meta + enter on the project folder doesn't do anything useful on
my OS but I assume you mean to edit the properties for a project.
Viewing the validation settings for a project I have "Override
validation preferences" checked and ALL validators are unchecked

As I said before though, this has no apparent effect. I receive a ton
of errors and warnings about invalid html in my projects.
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