hi, Michael

i extended the extension "org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.semanticHighlighting"
as following:
 <extension point="org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.semanticHighlighting">


here PHPStaticSemanticHighlighting need to implement ISemanticHighlighting
and there is a method public Position[] consumes(IStructuredDocumentRegion
region); in ISemanticHighlighting interface ,so the context is i can get
nothing except IStructuredDocumentRegion (actually
XMLStructuredDocumentRegion).the method ISemanticHighlighting#consumes is
called by SemanticHighlightingReconciler#reconcile (more or less 133rd
line) .there is StructuredTextEditor in SemanticHighlightingReconciler,but i
could not get it.if i the editor,i can get editorinput and the file,so i can
use DLTKCore#create to get a ISourceModule ,but now i can only get
IStructuredDocumentRegion ,nothing else!i search a lot in the pdt source but
i did not find a way to get ISourceModule from IStructuredDocumentRegion.and
in my oponion,ISourceModule must be relative to IScriptProject and
IScriptFolder,so from IStructuredDocumentRegion ,it is hardly to find the
corresponding ISourceModule (IScriptProject and IScriptFolder) it belongs
to.i am sorry for my poor english:)

thank you very much!
best regards!
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