That's not really the way the Eclipse Development Process works: maintenance != new features. That said, "urgently needed" can be interpreted as "this missing functionality makes the release unusable" and therefore justifies the change. But IANAL, TINLA, and my interpretation of the EDP should not be considered a recommendation. :)

FWIW, I've been using Eclipse 3.5 for months now, and it's pretty stable. The new p2 stuff is worth looking at too.

In lighter news, I have a candidate PDT 2.0.1 build available for the dev team to review and publish if satisfied. I fixed the problem w/ jar signing - it was still set to use Alon's credentials so it was unable to ssh the to build.eclipse.

Kirchner Mark wrote:
After all, the maintenance branch is only for urgent bug fixes,
Slightly off-topic, but I have to take the opportunity:
Since "urgent" seems to be equal to "none at all" during the last 3 months (or so), I consider this 
"only urgent bug fixes"-constraint a bit problematic: All the "nice" fixes (e.g. code-completion) 
seem to happen in the 2.1-branch only, which is Eclipse 3.5 only, which I won't be able to use in a production 
So, a pretty-please to the devs: Since Eclipse 3.4 is the current/stable/production-ready release, 
please consider backporting not only the "urgent" fixes but at least also the "it's 
really ugly without them" ones.
Mark Kirchner

Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena
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