Hi Michael,

thanks for the info.

I have a couple of other questions though:

1. We have framework libraries assignend to each project, which we would like to add to the pdt BuildPath of the project. Is BuildPathUtils.addEntriesToBuildPath() the preferred way to do this ? If so, at which point in the plugin life-cycle should this happen ?

2. Basically, in our model specific functions of specific classes can have one or more ISourceModules as child elements, based on the mvc architecture of the framework. Is it possible to contribute those ISourceModules as child nodes to php methods of the pdt model, ie those
   children would be visible in the outline of that class mehod ?

I have found this wiki entry http://wiki.eclipse.org/API_Document_for_Extension_Points_PDT_2.0#PHP_Source_Element_Requestor. Is
this the intended way of achieving what i described in the 2nd question ?

thanks for your help !


Michael Spector schrieb:
Hi Robert,

We are planning to remove any usage of PHPMixinModel. We should move to DLTK indexing mechanism instead, once it's improved. For now, only global variables, global constants and include statements are indexed using PHPMixinModel. If you need to find some model element, please use one of the following utilities:



On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Robert Gruendler <doo...@gmail.com <mailto:doo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    i'm member of a sourceforge team which is working on an eclipse
    plugin for the symfony php framework.

    Currently i'm trying to dig into the pdt code to get some basic
    understanding of how the pdt php-model works.

    As far as i've understood, we can use the PHPMixinModel class to
    search for elements in the workspace PHP-Model.

    So let's say, there's a class "Foo" somewhere inside an pdt
    project, should we be able to retrieve an instance of
    IMixinElement when searching the model with the following code:


    This call would query the model cache and return all elements that
    match to the key "Foo", if i understood it right.
    For some reason however, i never get any elements back, no matter
    what i'm searching, also tried find() instead of get() btw.
    Do we need to add some PHP extension point to our plugin to make
    use of the MixinModel ?

    Any hints would be greatly appreciated, thanks !


    ps: Is there any API documentation available somewhere for either
    PDT of DLTK ?

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