tools.pdt Committers,
This automatically generated message marks the successful completion of
voting for Vadim Punski to receive full Committer status on the tools.pdt
project. The next step is for the PMC to approve this vote, followed by the
EMO processing the paperwork and provisioning the account.

Vote summary: 4/0/0 with 6 not voting 
   ?  Nick Boldt
   ?  Nir Cohen
  +1  Roy Ganor
   ?  Shalom Gibly
  +1  Gadi Goldbarg
   ?  Guy Gurfinkel
   ?  David Kelsey
   ?  Alon Peled
  +1  Michael Spector
  +1  Keren Stern

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your project
lead, PMC member, or the EMO <>

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