  I am developing an extention for emacs. I found some codes written by you
can help me to save my time. So I am writing to you to apply for the
permission to allow me to use the codes.
  The files location are:


files list about this version:

PDO.php         bcmath.php      date.php        gettext.php     intl.php
   mhash.php       openssl.php     session.php     wddx.php        zlib.php
Reflection.php  bz2.php         dom.php         hash.php        json.php
   mime_magic.php  pcre.php        soap.php        xml.php
SPL.php         calendar.php    exif.php        ibm_db2.php     ldap.php
   mssql.php       pdo_mysql.php   sockets.php     xmlreader.php
SQLite.php      com_dotnet.php  filter.php      iconv.php       libxml.php
   mysql.php       pdo_pgsql.php   standard.php    xmlwriter.php
SimpleXML.php   ctype.php       ftp.php         imagick.php     mbstring.php
   mysqli.php      pdo_sqlite.php  tidy.php        xsl.php
basic.php       curl.php        gd.php          imap.php        mcrypt.php
   odbc.php        pgsql.php       tokenizer.php   zip.php

I found I cann't use it in my project under GPL license unless I have received
permission from the owner . I know the directions from the website:

So would you please to give me the permission ?

Best regards!
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