Hi all,

after over 2 years of maintaining PDT related plugins, i've come to the
following conclusions:

   1. A lot of people have a hard time setting up an eclipse instance to
   suite their needs for PHP development - with the multitude of all the
   existing plugins available.
   2. More and more people move over to PHPStorm

The migration to PHPStorm imho has 2 main reasons:

   1. Out-Of-The-Box experience: simply download the thing and start working
   2. Better performance

I think both issues can be addressed by providing a plain Eclipse
distribution targeting especially the needs of PHP / Web developers.  By
releasing a custom distribution, we can for example provide a tweaked
eclipse.ini with optimized JVM settings.

Also, a custom distribution could pre-configure other features to improve
the performance / user experience, for example by disabling useless
validators etc.

I've therefore started working on a tycho-built eclipse distro based on the
following features (so far):

- DLTK 5.0
- PDT 3.2
- PDT Extensions Core <https://github.com/pdt-eg/Core-Plugin>
- Composer Plugin <https://github.com/pulse00/Composer-Eclipse-Plugin>
- PHP Tool Integration <https://github.com/PHPsrc/PHP-Tool-Integration>
- MakeGood <https://github.com/piece/makegood>
- Json Editor <https://github.com/pulse00/Json-Eclipse-Plugin>
- Yaml Editor <https://github.com/oyse/yedit>

Another reason why a custom distribution would be an advantage is that we
don't have to rely on patches being applied to the Eclipse
runtime, like this one here, which would be a rather great improvement for
anyone working with webapplications:


Here's what the distro could provide on an Eclipse-Runtime Level:

- Register an *eclipse://* URL protocol, so Stack-Trace links in the
browser could be opened directly in eclipse (like Sublimetext or Textmate
work on osx)
- Provide a Listener-Extension for the *SWT.OpenDocument* event, so plugins
can import existing projects by drag & drop onto Eclipse

The product i'm working on will be fully open-source and free of charge,
however i'm also thinking of ways to fund the development of new features
to PDT Core / PDT-Extensions or any other related plugin. My main ideas are:

- Go down the crowd-funding route, for example like py-dev has been doing:
- Find sponsors for new features, similar to what travis-ci does:

Any feedback greatly appreciated.


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