we're getting close to Luna release, it (re)introduces new PHP package
and I thought It'd be nice to bring a breath of fresh air to PDT

For last few year there was actually no website, just a redirect to
eclipse portal profile. It turned out that alongside really outdated
and useless notes, our website repo contains some nice articles and
docs that are not exposed anywhere. I moved some of them to wiki and
decided to keep few other for new website.

Finally, building on such examples as Koneki [1], Lua [2], Orion [3]
and Xtext [4], I came up with following simple landing page:

It needs a little bit more content in features section (which I'm sure
I had written once in the past), but I'd like to ask what you think
about new landing page, if there's anything that should be added,
removed, improved?



[1] - http://www.eclipse.org/koneki/
[2] - http://www.eclipse.org/koneki/ldt/
[3] - http://www.eclipse.org/orion/
[4] - http://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/
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