Answers under asks ;)

On 9 May 2020 at 05:45:39, Basil Mohamed Gohar (


This is a lot to take in and as someone not very familiar with the inner
workings of Eclipse as it relates to PDT (or much else), so I am not sure
how valuable my input could be in light of that.  Nonetheless, I'll reply
inline below (sorry for top-posting!).

On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 3:59 pm, Dawid Pakuła <> wrote:


Despite to GitHub move I have couple plan for future releases.

Since couple releases, thanks to hard teamwork, PDT is finally fast enough
to consume a lot of large projects in one single workspace.
But in meantime we started to spinning around, new features often require
lot’s of workaround, bypass DLTK/WTP, etc..
It’s not direct problem of DLTK, but PHP evolve a lot since 5.4 and they
haven’t plan to stop  (PHP 8.0 will have attributes!!! :P).

So, I think it’s time to start dropping DLTK as language support skeleton.

How can someone who is not familiar with DLTK understand what DLTK brings
to the table and what the ramifications of this would be?  How much would
you have to implement yourself to cover the gaps left by leaving DLTK?  A
list of pros- and cons- may be helpful to understand this if it's not too

DLTK give us:

   1. Indexing (I made small revolution for 2020-06 in this area)
   2. Basic AST model
   3. TypeInference (resolving code variable/call type using AST Tree)
   4. Some UI elements like Search By Type
   5. General Search infrastructure
   6. SourceModel (namespace/class/method/field). This is main limitation
   here. We can’t register interfaces, class aliases, traits usage, imports
   per namespace and more..

I would like to have 2 kind of PHP projects:
1. Strict structure, fully controlled by composer (or anything else) and
it’s configuration, where PDT will be able to correctly validate files, or
react for file move
2. Weak structure, where everything is indexed, class path validation even
if exists, it can be only on selected folders.

Is it fair to say 1 is akin to PSR-based rules, while 2 is older-style,
legacy PHP applications where you have to implicitly follow PHP's logic to
know what is included where, etc.?  If so, that kind of makes sense, but
how is this better (from a user's perspective) than something that "just
works" like what we have now, for the most part?

After create project PDT should scan ALL files, and give you posibility to
navigation, code assist end more. In general even on non-php project you
should have full access to PHP classes code assists.

Aside from some of Laravel's Facades, most of my projects seem to be
more-or-less understood well by PDT and I can hope between references and
definitions and get the code suggestions I'm looking for.  I wonder if I'm
missing the point of what you're saying here...

Current way have to work correctly as before. But if you have for example
composer class path registered, PDT should be able to validate class name,
inform you about mistake in class  (MyClass rather than my class).

In current state it’s also hard, without destroying performance give you
quick outline with methods from traits.

In both cases we need much simpler model without garbage from Java models
container, class folders, external containers etc..

This sounds good.

Also completely independed to indexing and searching.

I don't understand if this is good or bad.  Doesn't some searching work
across classes, functions, and so on?

For now search is completely centralised and based on buildpath/sourcepath.
We to provide mentioned validation we have to untick it from class pathes.
Also we need ability to reindex/revalidate if something in hierarchy
change. For example you will add method to MyServerInterface. After save
all sub-classes should be marked as errored because they didn’t implement
new method.

In theory DLTK have some basic infrastructure but I couldn't get her to
work without a ton of cache in the RAM.

PHP model should be based on handly with ability to register alias, traits
and others. This later allow us to simplify project import/creation, and
later maybe ability to prepare PDT-LS for VSCode fans ;)

What is PDT-LS?

Should be same as JDT-LS - Java Development Tools Language Server. Some
basic PDT features, like validation, indexing, code assist could be used in
other editors that are able to consume Language Servers. For example VS
Code or neovim. It’s long term goal.

Without this we will fall, even on GitHub :P

Off course some DLTK elements will be still valuable like Type Inference,
Low-level indexing etc…

During this process I plan to re-implement Twig/Doctrine/Symfony support
(this projects are maintained by me only) and add to PDT Core as example
how PDT should/could be extended.
If we find volunteer, maybe other popular projects will add out-of-box
support to PDT.

I think this all sounds great.  Greater framework support would be very
welcome.  I'd love to have Laravel Blade template support as well as better
understanding of Facades.

For blade I want implement at least basic syntax highlighting for SMARTY,
TWIG and BLADE. With Eclipse TM4E project it will be relatively easy. Later
we could investigate possibility to re-use existing language servers for
them if they will be good enough.

Maybe later we will try to untick from WTP (CSS/HTML code assist in php
file) but for me is not priority now.

Can you clarify a little more on this?

PHP Editor is based on Eclipse Web Tools Project. We using HTML and CSS
code assist from them. But they have problem with updating into newest
technology. Since 2020-06 Eclipse PHP Package ( will
be delivered with WildWebDeveloper. Project that trying to package and
deliver as eclipse plugin existing popular and strong language server for
newest technology. It currently have built-in support for:

   2. JavaScript / TypeScript
   4. Angular / React / ES Lint
   5. And more, for example soon should have built-in support for VueJS

Any thoughts?

I'm happy to be part of the discussion and hope I can help more in the


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