On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 03:25:51PM -0800, Kevin Williams wrote:
> What would really help is if you could specify what you're looking for. 
> Languages, skill set, experience level, etc.

Sure.  I just didn't want to sounds like a classified ad here
on the pdxlug.   But the super-short gist of it is:

+ need someone VERY experienced : "been there, done that" with 
  years of history programming, especially web-apps

+ very up on OOP : a thorough understanding of encapsulation,
  patterns, refactoring, and a strong sense of good OOP design 

+ language: PHP5 (which if you haven't seen it lately is 
  suprisingly similar to Java, so Java experience might help),
  good SQL (we use both PostgreSQL and MySQL) - and shell scripts

+ ... and of course entirely Linux/BSD-based.

We do 100% music-based web-apps, in a very casual environment,
but we're looking for someone very steady, looking for a long-
term many-year commitment.  The company is steady.

Pays pretty well.

Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] (me)

Sorry for such a commercial post on a non-commercial list, but
hey - you asked!


> On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 15:11, Derek at CD Baby wrote:
> > hey gang - 
> > 
> > I don't know the programmer scene in Portland too well, but
> > thought that you guys might.
> > 
> > My company is looking to hire a really good programmer in
> > Portland for a long-term full-time job, but don't know where
> > to start looking.  (Don't want to do monster.com again.)
> > 
> > If you have any advice, please email me either off-list or
> > on-list, if you'd like.  (I have the feeling this is outside
> > the scope of what the pdxlug group is for, so sorry if it's
> > wrong of me to ask here.)

Derek Sivers, CD Baby, Hostbaby
http://www.cdbaby.com  <-- best new independent music
http://www.hostbaby.com <-- web hosting for musicians

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