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A helpful reminder:

May 24, 2002
Rumsfeld: No Plans to Invade Iraq

The United States has no plans to invade Iraq or any other country, Defense
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Friday, but he refused to discuss the Bush
administration's thinking about how to deal with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein

February 2, 2007
Gates: We're "Not Planning" To Attack Iran

With respect to Iran, first of all, the president has made clear; the
secretary of State has made clear; I've made clear -- nobody is planning --
we are not planning for a war with Iran.


Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)
Media Advisory

Won't Get Fooled Again?
NYT, networks offer scant skepticism on Iran claims

The most important lesson about the Iraq War for reporters was perhaps the
simplest one: Don't assume the White House is telling the truth. It's a
lesson that many reporters seem to be forgetting now that U.S. officials
are escalating their claims about Iran's role in Iraq.

On January 29, CBS Evening News aired a report about Iran's alleged
support for Shiite militias in Iraq. Anchor Katie Couric introduced the
segment by saying "the U.S. military says it has proof positive" to that
effect, and Pentagon correspondent David Martin did little to undercut the
official line by saying the U.S. is "already fighting a proxy war inside
Iraq" with Iran. Martin went on to list the evidence: serial numbers on
explosive devices that could be "traced directly back to Iran," along with
rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons that "bear Iranian factory
markings." The only guest on the segment was Jon Alterman of the Center
for Strategic & International Studies, who essentially backed the official

Martin closed his report by commenting, "American failure in Iraq would be
a disaster for the U.S., but American success would be a disaster for
Iran. So something's got to give." When Couric asked Martin, "Is this
intelligence really reliable?," Martin's response was that while U.S.
officials "wince" at the question, "this time, some of the evidence, like
those serial numbers, is smoking-gun quality." In other words, exactly
what U.S. officials said about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

The following night (1/30/07), ABC World News With Charles Gibson
correspondent Jonathan Karl warned that "U.S. officials say the mounting
evidence against Iran includes photographs of Iranian training camps on
Iraqi soil." Karl bolstered this claim by citing a "slickly produced video
released by a Sunni terrorist group" that alleged Iranians were supplying
weapons to Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army. It is unclear why Karl would cite
a rival insurgent group's videotape as credible evidence; for that matter,
any claims of "training camps" in Iraq deserve special scrutiny, as
exactly the same claims were made regarding Al Qaeda training camps in the
country, which turned out to be false (Mother Jones, 3-4/06).

Karl continued by listing evidence allegedly gathered by U.S. officials,
including Iranian-made weapons and documents purporting to show Iranian
control of militias. Karl oddly noted: "U.S. officials had planned to
publicly present the evidence against Iran as early as tomorrow. Those
plans were abruptly scrapped today, raising questions about just how
convincing the evidence is. Officials say they want to continue to pursue
leads before declassifying the information. The information, officials
say, won't be made public for a while."

Of course, such information was being made public—on every network newscast.

NBC Nightly News (1/30/07) pursued alleged Iranian involvement in the
ambush of U.S. soldiers in Karbala, which killed five American soldiers.
Pentagon reporter Jim Miklasziewski stated that "secret U.S. military
reports have concluded now that the attack against the American soldiers
in Karbala was definitely an inside job and that it may have involved
Iranian agents." This main evidence for this theory is "because it was so
well laid out and meticulously executed." Apparently Iraqi insurgents are
unqualified to mount such sophisticated attacks. Miklasziewski went on to
make the familiar charges against Iran—"providing the most sophisticated
and powerful roadside bombs and a growing arsenal of other weapons inside
Iraq," for example, along with assorted weaponry and the seizure of
computer files that "listed vast inventories of weapons shipped from Iran
to Iraqi extremists and militias." He added: "U.S. officials now claim
Iran is providing shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles to Shiite

Miklasziewski did note that "all of this is being viewed and greeted with
a great deal of skepticism, especially on Capitol Hill." It would be nice
to see such skepticism from reporters, instead of them merely repeating
the laundry list of charges from unnamed U.S. officials.

The next day, the New York Times ran a remarkably similar story (1/31/07),
again relying exclusively on anonymous government officials (U.S and
Iraqi). While the Times did note that "Officials cautioned that no firm
conclusions had been drawn and did not reveal any direct evidence of a
connection," the paper nonetheless went on at some length describing the
theory that an off-shot of the Mahdi Army connected to the Iranian
government was behind the attack. The Times report relied exclusively on
unnamed officials. The article's entire sourcing:

"Investigators say...according to American and Iraqi officials
knowledgeable...The officials said...Officials cautioned... A senior Iraqi
official said... An Iraqi knowledgeable about the investigation said...
the Iraqi said... the senior Iraqi official said, citing information
directly from the prime minister's office... Another senior Iraqi official
said... the official said ...the American military has said... the
military said... An American military official said... the military
official said... officials say... Two American officials in Washington
confirmed... One of those officials said... The second official said...."

While some of this reporting could be accurate, it just as easily could be
part of a Bush administration campaign to drum up talk of Iranian
involvement in the Iraq War. Since many reporters seem conscious of that
very real possibility, journalists should treat such anonymous chatter
very skeptically. They should also, at a bare minimum, consult experts who
could shed light on whether the claims from administration officials make
any sense in the context of what is known about Iran's influence in Iraq.

For example, the Congressional Research Service reported (9/29/06) that
Iran was encouraging Shiite participation in electoral politics ("To that
extent, Iran's goal in Iraq differs little from the main emphasis of U.S.
policy in Iraq"), and that Iran's closest links in Iraq are to two large
Shiite factions firmly connected to the U.S.-backed government: the
Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) and the Da'wa
Party, of which Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is part. And the Iranian
government has engaged in wide-ranging negotiations with the Maliki
government regarding trade, diplomacy and military training. This
information is important to consider alongside U.S. allegations that Iran
is engaged in fomenting violence in Iraq.

And University of Michigan professor Juan Cole wrote recently in
(1/30/07) that there many reasons to be skeptical of U.S. claims:

"To begin with, some 99 percent of all attacks on U.S. troops occur in
Sunni Arab areas and are carried out by Baathist or Sunni fundamentalist
(Salafi) guerrilla groups. Most of the outside help these groups get comes
from the Sunni Arab public in countries allied with the United States,
notably Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies. Washington has yet to
denounce Saudi aid to the Sunni insurgents who are killing U.S. troops.

"Meanwhile, the most virulent terror network in Iraq, which styles itself
'Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia,' has openly announced that its policy is to kill
as many Shiites as possible. That the ayatollahs of Shiite Iran are
passing sophisticated weapons to these, their sworn enemies, is not

"If Iran is providing materiel to anyone, it is to U.S. allies. Tehran may
be helping the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq and its Badr
Corps paramilitary, but the U.S. is not fighting that group. By sale or
barter, some weaponry originally given to the Badr Corps might be finding
its way to other groups, such as the Mahdi Army of nationalist Shiite
cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, that do sometimes come into conflict with the U.S.
That problem, however, must be a relatively small one, and cannot explain
Bush's hyperbolic rhetoric about Iran."

Not all mainstream outlets are so reticent to challenge the official
storyline. On January 23, the Los Angeles Times took a hard look at the
U.S. charges of Iranian meddling in Iraq ("Scant Evidence Found of
Iran-Iraq Arms Link"). The paper found little to support the array of
accusations from U.S. officials, noting that reporters in Iraq with U.S.
troops have not seen "extensive signs of Iranian involvement." The Times
also noted that military officers from the U.S. and Britain have not seen
evidence at the Iraq-Iran border to support allegations of arms smuggling,
and that "U.S. officials have declined to provide documentation of seized
Iranian ordnance despite repeated requests. The U.S. military often
releases photographs of other weapons finds." Further, the Times reported
that military analysts question whether Iran would even need to provide
some of the weapons, since the "technology used to make them is simple and
widely known in the Middle East." The Times also pointed out that "the
groups in Iraq that have received the most Iranian support are not those
that have led attacks against U.S. forces. Instead, they are nominal U.S.

Interestingly, a day after airing a report that passed along U.S.
accusations with little comment, NBC Nightly News presented a critical
take (1/31/07), with reporter Andrea Mitchell quoting a former CIA
official challenging the notion that a sophisticated attack couldn't be
carried out without Iranian support, another official noting that weapons
allegedly "made in Iran" don't necessarily mean they come from the Iranian
government, and Mitchell pointing out that "90 percent of the attack on
U.S. forces are from Sunni insurgents or Al-Qaeda," groups unlikely to be
affiliated with Iran.

It is perhaps reassuring that NBC, a day after passing along official
claims mostly free of skepticism, would take a more sound journalistic
approach. The same cannot yet be said for the New York Times, CBS Evening
News and ABC World News.

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