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Reprieve for Officer Who Denounced "Immoral War"

FORT LEWIS, Washington, Feb 8 (IPS) - The court-martial of the first
commissioned U.S. military officer to refuse to serve in Iraq ended
abruptly Wednesday when the military judge overseeing the proceedings
declared a mistrial over a technicality.

At issue, according to the judge, Lt. Col. John Head, was an agreement
first Lt. Ehren Watada signed admitting that he failed to deploy to Iraq
when his unit was sent there, as well as confirming that he gave several
antiwar speeches for which the military had charged him with "conduct
unbecoming of an officer."

In his decision, Col. Head said the agreement amounted to a "confession",
but in exchanges with the judge in open court Lt. Watada disagreed.

"Your Honour," he said. "I have always believed that I have a legal and
moral defense. I realise that the government can make arguments and you
can make rulings contrary to that, but that does not negate my belief that
I have a defence."

"To me," Watada told the court, leading soldiers into battle in Iraq
"means to participate in a war that I believe to be illegal."

In earlier motions, Col. Head had ruled that Watada's claim -- that the
war is immoral and illegal -- would not be a permissible defence at trial.
Watada had hoped to argue under the so-called Nuremberg Principals which
arose from trials of Nazi war criminals after World War II.

The fourth of the Nuremberg Principles says that superior orders are not a
defense to the commission of an illegal act, meaning soldiers who commit a
war crime because they were "just following orders" are just as culpable
as their superiors.

"How are we gonna unring that bell?" Col Head said of the conflict between
Watada's statements before the seven-officer panel judging the case and
the facts stipulated in the agreement. Head then ruled Watada's agreement
to be void and directed the prosecution to more thoroughly document its
case or move for a mistrial. Caught unprepared, military prosecutors
ultimately chose the latter.

Lt. Watada's attorney, Eric Seitz, blamed the suppression of what he
called his client's "legitimate defence" for the mistrial.

"Every time the government has tried to prevent political speech, which
they are attempting to punish, from infusing the trial proceedings it has
created a major mess and many of those cases resulted in mistrials," Seitz
said, mentioning a few famous cases he has handled over the years, such as
the 1969 Chicago conspiracy trial where seven peace activists, including
Tom Hayden and Bobby Seale, were charged with crossing state lines with
the intent to incite antiwar riots and disrupt the 1968 Democratic
National Convention in Chicago.

"The government tried in artificial ways to prevent the defendants from
explaining in their own way why they were there and why they did what they
did," Seitz said. "But there is a contradiction, because they are the core
issues of what led the defendant from being there in the first place."

Antiwar activists who have been monitoring the Watada trial unanimously
cheered its outcome.

"I was in a very similar situation during Vietnam," noted Mike Wong, a San
Francisco social worker who deserted the Army rather than fight in the
Vietnam War.

Like dozens of other peace activists, Wong traveled to Fort Lewis to
observe the court martial first hand. He said more and more service
members are following Lt. Watada's example and opposing the war.

Wong said a GI Rights Hotline set up to help soldiers who want to get out
of Iraq or out of the army is now fielding 2,000 calls a month.

"There are GIs that are rebelling in different ways," he added. "Even in
Iraq there are GIs who have their own blogs, blogging against the war
while they're in Iraq. GI resistance is growing:"

At trial, one of Ehren Watada's superiors, Lt. Col. William James,
testified that Lt. Watada's public comments opposing the Iraq war "lowered
morale" by "creating a lot of discussion in the chow hall" when soldiers
should have been "zeroing in their weapons and kissing their wives

Geoff Millard, an Iraq war veteran who covered the Watada court martial
for the website, said that was one of the most significant
statements of the trial.

"The military doesn't want the American public to know that soldiers are
talking about this in the barracks," Millard said. "Some soldiers think
he's a disgrace and others think he's a frickin' hero. But what it's
causing is for soldiers to discuss, to debate, and what's really
frightening to this administration is that soldiers are thinking. They
don't want soldiers to think. They want soldiers to follow orders."

A new trial is possible in the spring. In the meantime, out-of-court
negotiations between Lt. Watada's attorneys and government lawyers will
continue. For his part, Lt. Ehren Watada will remain on duty at Fort Lewis
continuing his service at a desk job he's held since refusing to deploy to

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